About Yellow Lobster

Brand Concept
When playing golf, fashion and favorite items are important factors in keeping you in good spirits.
Among these, accessories are an important item for expressing one's individuality and sense of style.
I couldn't find a head cover that I was satisfied with, so I started making head covers by remaking old varsity jackets that I owned.
This caught the attention of some friends and became popular locally, which is how Yellow Lobster was born.
The brand originated in San Clemente, California, a small town that attracts surfers from all over the world.
It's a happy town where people with all kinds of tastes, from kids to grandmothers, are always searching for originality.
The neighboring town is Carlsbad, a mecca for the golf industry that has produced Scotty Cameron, Titleist, TaylorMade, Callaway and other brands, making it a town loved by people who truly thrive on Surf & Turf.
Yellow Lobster is a somewhat peaceful brand whose all-handmade products satisfy everyone from serious golfers to those who enjoy playing golf in flip-flops.

Yellow Lobster
The Yellow Lobster is an extremely rare lobster, said to be one in two million or three million in occurrence.
We wanted to be something unique among the many head covers you see on the golf course! This brand name was born from that feeling and a little bit of playfulness.
Yellow = A colour that evokes feelings of happiness and warmth.
Lob = Golf lob shot
Ster = someone who does something, makes something, is something
After starting golf, I dreamed of hitting the ball farther, but I also remember being so impressed by the way the pros hit lob shots that I started practicing with my friends almost every day.
Those days were fun, even though I rarely used it.
That coveted shot is the lob shot!
And that's where the brand name comes from.
Vroots (coined word)
Yellow Lobster's Brand Philosophy (Message or Key word)
V=Peace, Double equality, Victory, good luck.
Roots = the foundation, building the path.
There are many different thoughts behind Vroots' patches.
It's up to you to decide which one to make your core!
Make your own Vroots!
Have Fun!
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